To build a good rapport with someone, here's a simple tip: generate good feelings for the person. Your good feelings will be reflected through your attitude, your eyes and your smile. So, use the power of good feelings to connect with others or even to change...

When you're working towards your goals and self-doubt creeps in, do you let it get in the way? Next time self-doubt creeps in, reaffirm your trust in yourself, in your abilities. Believe in yourself and it will allow you to stay confident, resilient and motivated to...

The best way to teach is by example. Instead of imposing anything on anyone, we can be the example of what we want to teach. Model the way and you can influence and inspire others. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see...

There are always problems! View problems as problems, and you make the experience more difficult and stressful than it has to be. How about training your mind to reframe problems as possibilities? Reframe and you'll make problems less intimidating and turn problems into opportunities for growth...

Do everything yourself and you'll always be busy doing everything! To be less busy and more efficient, decide a) what to do by yourself, b) what to delegate to others, and c) what to do together with others.   Until da next Tyme...

No one wants to have to pay for unexpected baggage fees, but thankfully, there are many ways to keep baggage costs down (and no, they don’t involve wearing all of your clothes at once to save on packing space). From pooling with a pal to busting...

If we want to bring peace to our world, it starts within our hearts and minds. Spend a few moments each day in solitude to develop peace. Let any turbulence subside and make peace with your world. Create peace within and this will give you the...

To bring change in our life, sometimes we change jobs, cities, relationships…. But we may find ourselves in a similar situation as before. We may have moved away but not moved on. Feel free to change things but don’t forget to change yourself. Because nothing will...

When you're flying a kite, sometimes you pull on the string and sometimes you let go of the string. Similarly, to get the most out of your mind, sometimes let go and let your mind play, and sometimes pull your attention and direct where your...

If there are ideas and small projects you'd like to make happen but just haven’t found time, try the following: Do something small, something that may seem relatively insignificant. Do this daily or even a few times a week, and it may grow and accumulate into...