What is an anagram of listen?  Silent. Silence accentuates listening.  When you listen, refrain from speaking and also still the noise in your mind. Listen.  Listen with an open mind and you'll hear the words. Listen with your heart and you'll understand what...

Have you ever thought about how we are like a pencil! Everything we do leaves a mark.  Even though some marks can be corrected, there's still an imprint left behind.  So leave a positive mark. A pencil works best only on some things,...

When you're upset with someone, you give up your peace of mind. Don't stay upset.  Free yourself from upset.  How?  Accept responsibility. Accept you're responsible for how you feel, irrelevant to how others feel or behave towards you. Accept responsibility & you'll experience...

How our reality appears to us says a lot about our perceptions, because our perception creates our reality. To change our reality, we need to change our perception. Remember we're changing only our perception of a situation or a person, not the person...

Often we're able to accomplish a task better when we do it in small bits over time.  It's when we have too many bits of unfinished tasks that our mind just starts to go into overload. Whenever you can, try to finish what you...

All of us have blind spots - attitudes and behaviours that hinder our potential.  So make it a habit to check for your blind spots. Sometimes these blind spots are more visible to others.  So if you can't spot them, you could ask someone...

Good morning people, Once again today I jump on a plane ( my second Home ) and head to another few countries :) ...

Everything around you is constantly changing.  No matter how you react or feel, change happens anyway.  So you might as well embrace the change. Choose to adapt & change your approach, & not only will you feel more in control but you will also...

For most of us, self acceptance isn't as easy as it could be!  If you feel that you're not good enough, realise: you are enough.  If you rate yourself against others, realise: there's no one else in the world quite like you. Believe in...