Your essence is love, peace and joy, and so when you give your full attention and are fully present in your presence, your presence becomes a present. Give someone a present today   Until da next tyme...

Are you a multitasker? Multitasking is not always effective or productive. So, try to limit multitasking for the times when it’s the only option. Instead, whenever you can, mono-task and do one thing at a time. Give your full undivided attention to the conversation, the person,...

How often do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your phone? If endless scrolling is distracting you from what's important, here are 3 tips to reduce mindless scrolling: - Be intentional about when and for how long you let yourself scroll. - Leave your phone in another...

Where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, things grow.    So, where is your attention going, right now? Is it on what you want to grow? What do you want to grow in your life?   Until da next Tyme...

When you are in need of some space and silence, try this meditation: Raise your attention up and out of the room, higher and higher, further and further into the vastness of the sky….  Going beyond the skies, the space and the galaxies, to a...

If you can’t focus your attention, how can you accomplish anything?  And thinking that you can't focus only makes it more difficult. The next time you find yourself thinking, 'I can't focus,' try one of the following: - Take a break to relax your attention. Do this...

Whenever you get stuck in your mind, stuck in problems and worries, think of the mind as a river, and all your problems and worries as boulders and debris in the river. Then put your attention onto the flow of the river, and you'll naturally get...

We all have ears, but do we use them?  Especially when we're in a conversation, are we really listening to the person talking?  Or are we thinking about what we're going to say next, or something else that's on our mind? We may think we're not...

Where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, things grow.  So, let your attention go to what is good and positive, and your appreciation will grow.  And as appreciation grows, happiness flows. Where is your attention going, right now?  Until da next Tyme ...

No one wants to go to a party without good company.  The best and the constant company you have, is your thoughts.  So, are your thoughts keeping you good company, or bad? To keep good company, pay attention to your thoughts, change what's not good...