Have you considered that the problem is not the real problem? The problem is how you think about the problem. Think differently about the problem and you'll not only change how you feel and experience your reality but ultimately change how you respond to the problem.   Until...

To put your day into perspective and sleep well, add this exercise to your bedtime routine: Summarise your day. Summarise your day in a word or two, or a sentence. Make a note of it mentally, digitally or on paper. Summarise your experience, challenges or accomplishments...

Do you find that it's not just our mind that's always racing, but our body also continues to race, even when we sit down to take a break? So, the next time you sit down to take a break, scan your body to check how it...

Find a point of stillness from which you begin and to which you return, every day. Give yourself the space to just be and experience a sense of wellbeing. What or where is your point of stillness? How will you make stillness an important event in...

I love to travel alone , exploring the world alone allows you to experience an unmatched sense of freedom. The benefits of solo travel are limitless. Travel means different things to different people, but it’s almost always empowering.  1. You’ll experience unfettered freedom Without a travel partner to...

Life is an experience, not a test. Everything doesn't have to be a test for your self-worth and competence. So when things don't go well for you, it’s OK! You’ll never really fail because you'll always gain a lesson, an experience.   Until da next Tyme...

Most travellers find going through security the most stressful part of an airport, whilst 1 in 3 find checking-in the part they dread – But summer holidays are back this year, and we’ve asked our team of in-house seasoned travellers for their top tips on getting...

Virtues are the good qualities within each one of us; they’re our personal resources: contentment, determination, generosity, humility, serenity, tolerance….   Spend time with your virtues and get reacquainted. How? Meditate on a virtue.   1. Choose a virtue that interests you or would help you best...

We know that every moment, every experience is a lesson. So before the year is over, make time to pause and ponder on the lessons you’ve learnt in the last 5 months of 2022. Reflect on what went well, what didn't, what you want to leave...

Whenever you fail or fall short, do you beat yourself up?  Be as kind to yourself as you would be to others, and you’ll give yourself the space to 1) explore and experiment, 2) take chances and risks, and 3) recognise where you’ve gone wrong...