Are you enjoying all that’s happening at this moment? If not, then think: everything that happens, happens for my personal growth.  Even if you can’t see it, feel it or believe it.  Just hold this thought in your awareness and start recognising the magic and...

Where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, things grow.  So, let your attention go to what is good and positive, and your appreciation will grow.  And as appreciation grows, happiness flows. Where is your attention going, right now?  Until da next Tyme ...

Is excitement the same thing as happiness?  Excitement is a positive emotion that makes us feel alive, but excitement doesn’t always last, it tends to wear off.  Enjoy the happiness that comes from excitement, but understand that true happiness is not the same thing as...

Strong relationships & close connections are essential to our happiness, wellbeing & resilience. That's why it's important to stay in touch with people who matter to us. Drop a line, send a note or meet up. Keep others in mind & make the extra...

Trust life.  Being trusting doesn't mean not being careful.  Be careful and be sensible.  Just trust life a little bit more. Trust that life presents situations for you to grow and develop.  Trust that life knows your potential for greatness.  Trust that life wants...

Good morning, Happiness is a multiplier; the more you give, the more you receive.  Share happiness with others and it increases your own capacity to be happy.  So be happy now and watch your happiness multiply.   Until da next Tyme !...

Good morning all, Happiness: is it postponed until further notice?  Have you convinced yourself: I'll be happy when...

Good morning all, Each year as a birthday draw closer, I analysed what has made me happy in the last year. Each year as human  beings we make promises to ourselves of what we will change, like  get out of debt and lose weight and get a...

hello all, Happiness is such a subjective term. It means so many different things to different people. But there are common blocks that apply to us all, and they may not be what you think. Let me explain. Most of us think that...

Good morning all, Life's challenges are like house guests - they come and they leave.  So, the next time a challenge comes your way, remember: they will also go away. And when house guests leave your home, you wouldn't let them take everything...