Do you get defensive when being criticised? Get defensive and you stop yourself from taking useful suggestions from the criticism. The next time criticism comes your way, try this: get your focus away from the negative tone of the criticism and focus on deep...

Most of us are pretty good at postpoing things. How about postponing positively! Whenever a negative thought or habit appears, postpone it. Do it tomorrow. So if you're stuck in traffic, postpone your anxiety & anger. Whenever a positive thought or habit appears,...

Good morning, After a negative interaction, traces of emotions and impressions get left over.  These shape our future expressions!  That's why it's important to wipe the slate clean. This doesn't mean erasing things completely, no, it means transforming negative into positive.  Here's how...

Good morning , Making a complaint doesn't always have to be negative, it's good to express your opinions & suggestions.  But if you're not gaining anything positive by complaining, then you might want to 1) reduce the whining & grumbling; or 2) turn your...

Good morning all, Drop by drop, the rain washes away all that is old, making all the colours brighter & everything cleaner. In the same way, be like the rain & wash away the old stuff.  Clean out the negative thoughts & feelings...