If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed out, try the following visualisation meditation: Imagine that you are sitting in a lavender field, watching rows of lavender swaying in the breeze, almost looking like a purple sea...

Changing our clothes before going to bed is a simple ritual that helps us to disengage from the day.   To disengage your mind from the day and sleep better, try this simple exercise as you get ready for bed: - Put aside all that is ongoing...

In the heat of a stressful moment, if you can, stop for a few minutes to take a few long, slow, deep breaths. Loosen your jaw, relieve the tension in your neck, allow your shoulders to fall down and back, soften your belly and release...

If you're wanting more love, more peace, more meaning, more focus, you'll probably find that all you need is, less. Fewer expectations, less talk, less buying, less thinking, less stuff, less stress…. Are you ready for less?   Until da next tyme...

When you are stressed, check: Are your thoughts creating the stress? How long have you been thinking like this? What would happen if you were to think differently? Think about your thinking. Think differently and you'll take control of your stress, and respond to the stress...

Have you attempted something for the first time recently? First attempts aren't always easy, in fact, most of us are afraid of doing something for the first time. It's uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But if we never try doing something new, we'll never expand our potential. This...

Drop by drop, the rain washes away all the dust, making everything clean and vibrant. Be like the rain and wash away all your dusty thoughts, the stress, the anxiety and the unnecessary. And you’ll be left with a clean and vibrant mind.   Until da next...

Next time you can't seem to find your willpower, check your stress levels. Research indicates that stress not only depletes our willpower and self-control, it also heightens our impulsive behaviour and reactions. Next time you find your willpower starting to fade or it’s nowhere to be...

Do you think stress is necessary? You may find the energy of stress stimulating but, when it’s over, it leaves you feeling drained.  And when the stress is on-going, it can affect your health. So, try and take charge of your stress. Try and stop the...

An attitude of detachment is an essential ingredient for success. Why? Getting attached to goals, tasks and outcomes often leads to worry, stress and overwhelm. Detach yourself from your goals, tasks and outcomes, and it may help you to: - be more objective and calm - set healthy...