What causes you stress?  Is it your job, a relationship, health, wealth...

When stress starts to take its toll, or when you need to take your mind off things, here’s an easy trick: Create an image in your mind that's relaxing.  Imagine a view from a tree house, visualise the moonlight on the ocean waves, picture a...

  Many people don’t know how to enjoy themselves on trips, and honestly it’s meant to be fun! Don’t stress about touristy things, always do what you want to do and be impromptu with your trips! Take many pictures because you never know how memorable each and...

We all have expectations.  But when those expectations are not met, how do you feel?  Disappointed, stressed, frustrated?  For less disappointment, less stress, less frustration, try this: shift from expectations to explorations. Approach life, people and yourself from a place of exploration and you'll open...

Whether at work, at home or at any other place, the surrounding atmosphere affects us. If the atmosphere is stressful or negative, you can choose not to absorb the stress or the negativity.  Instead, generate a calm, positive atmosphere through your calm, positive thoughts...

Nothing really happens by over-thinking the stresses & worries in life.  That's why it's important to let go.  Let go of the things that are out of your hands.  Put your worries down.  Drop the stress.  Feel the weight lift off your shoulders.  And lighten...

Good morning Stress may appear to get things done fast in the short term, but in the long term, it takes a toll on your well-being. So what's keeping you stuck in stress? This week observe what causes you stress.  Can you remove...

Hey all,   Stress happens. No matter how organized you are, how good your systems are, or how friendly your work and living environments are, stress can find a way to poke its ugly head in from time to time. What can you...

Good morning all, Happy Monday ! Perfectionism at its best leads to excellence and great results.  But too much perfectionism is not so perfect!  It often leads to stress and lower productivity.  So know when good enough, really is good enough...

Hey y'all, With Christmas around the corner, its the stress season. Stress happens. No matter how organized you are, how good your systems are, or how friendly your work and living environments are, stress can find a way to poke its ugly head...