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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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hey peeps, As mentioned I will be touching on some relationship issues in the next few weeks, due to request form some of my readers, however  this one has to be the first as there needs to be a line drawn ...

Good morning all, Why was I awaken to the news this morning that some skinny ass politician, feels that we should impose a "FAT TAX"????? What the hell is happening in the UK? First they come up with the ridiculous idea to...

Hey friends, In the last few weeks, I have been hearing the following statements "I wish I had more time for myself." "I'm so busy! I don't have a moment to breathe." "I need more hours in the day." "I don't have time...

Hey peeps, Did you know: "Ten minutes if one hurricane contains enough energy to match the nuclear stockpiles of the world " Until da next Tyme!...

Hey Peeps, With all that is going on in the world today, we cannot seem to avoid that big word "STRESS" Stress happens. No matter how organized you are, how good your systems are, or how friendly your work and living environments are, stress can...