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Hey peeps, Each day I receive these thought provoking messages and I wanted to share this one with you this morning! So often we get caught up in the BS of living that we forget to use the tools that we are blessed...

[gallery link="file" columns="6"]    Hey peeps!  What's good! Like most locals and yes I class myself as a "local" now. We tend to get complacent with the country we live and tend to forget what millions of tourist...

Hey peeps,. A shout out to all my new subscribers...

Hey peeps, Being a gadget freak, I had to find the ultimate accessory  for my toys. I have discovered a design/ Skin  that is unique and stands out and even stick to windows...

hey peeps, I love London, not so much in the last few days with all the recent issues, but overall, London is a wonderful diverse city. Walking around, your view is always filled with something new and interesting that is taking place. ...

Hey peeps, So my IT has introduced me to world of upto mobile blogging. So in this awesome platform I am still learning so I am trying something new- blogging on the go! Until da next tyme...

hey there all, Welcome to the new blog :) and its looking sexy ! So over the next few weeks I will be updating the layout etc , as the blogger that I used previously is now outdated. So as with most...

Hi there all,Like most people I am flabbergasted on the events which happened in the UK recently.Its seems the UK seems to be a one man war zone in UK countryside.What possess this one to go on a rampage killing 11 people and injuring 25...