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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good afternoon people , Its that friday feeling once again :) Don't look back with guilt or regret.  Look back with appreciation. Don't look around to blame or compare.  Look around with admiration and acceptance. Don't look ahead in...

Morning all, Who loves Vitamin C ! Get Your Vitamin C From Califlower Califlower contains sulfur compounds that can help prevent heart disease, cancer and even diabetes. Very high in Vitamin C and has other good minerals. 2 heaping cups and only...

hey peeps, I discovered this after my friened introuduced me to olives ...

Good morning all, Its another new day, own it !! Worrying leeches your vitality.  It robs you of the energy needed to accomplish things. Why not clear away the gloomy clouds of worries!  Allow your mind to relax and bask in...

Good morning all, When things get tough, do you quit and walk away from the situation?  Of course, sometimes quitting is the right choice. But when we quit, we can't always avoid the situation.  Invariably we find ourselves in a similar situation in...

Hey y'all Feeling Poorly? Have Chicken Soup Chicken Soup has amino acids to thin out mucus and the lungs & help with a cough. The good thing about chicken soup is that it is loaded with nutrients. The best is homemade with veggies...