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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Hey friends, Did you know "A Honey Bee can fly at 15 miles per hour" Until da Next Tyme !...

Hey peeps, This message is so apt and I am sure that anyone reading this can relate, we are human and we all have done this at sometime or another. "Response-ability is our ability to respond to the world.  To think, say,...

Morning all, This week, I will be dedicating my blog, to health, well being and relationships! I find that most people seek me out for advice, not only for general day to day advice but in the last few years a lot more...

Hey peeps, Over the next few weeks I will be commencing my training to get my body back into shape, and  like most people I am concerned with keeping my motivation as I will be training alone, so whilst researching of how to best...

Good morning all, I have been asked to bring back my daily amazing facts :) So who am I to deny my peeps! "The Idiom "out of one's depth/beyond one's depth" means outside one's understanding or competence." Until da Next Tyme!...

Hey there all, So whilst reminiscing about the wonderful time I had on my 40th birthday last year...

Hey peeps, I received so many inspirational messages that it would be cruel not to share, as I believe that someone else can benefit from the wise words...

Hi there all, So its August and we are finally getting some long overdue sun. The children are on holidays and there is a struggle of how to keep them entertained for the next 3-4 weeks If going abroad is an option, there...

Good morning all, Yesterday I had disturbing thoughts during an email conversation with my girls. With all the craziness happening in the world, where do we find our own bit of happiness?? With emails going back and forth, the main conversation...