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Hey peeps ,As you all know I LOVE travelling. I know that many people would like to live the life of a celebrity - finance permitting, well I have discovered that if you are prepared to travel a bit and maybe splurge for that little bit...

Hi Peeps,Whassup ? A friend send this to me and I wanted to share it with you all, as I found it very moving !2010 should be the year where we are take responsibilty for our actions  ans stop making excuses !Honesty with ourselves is a great...

So I am back in the UK and whilst nursing a headache I decided to catch up on my tv viewing last night  as for the last 4 weeks, I have been surviving without Sky...

Hi there all,Well my adventure in Sharm el Sheikh has come to an end and I am pleased to say that I had a wonderful time, I met some really cool people and visited some exceptional beautiful places, saw the most amazing sunsets like heaven on earth...

hi there all,Ok so its the new year and this one goes out to all the ladies...

Hey there all, So as you all know I have chilling in sunny Egypt for the last 4 weeks whilst the UK has been suffereing their worse winter yet...