Praise others and it makes them feel good about themselves and also motivates them. But it's not healthy for people's self worth to be based on the praise you give. Do praise others, just maybe not excessively, not because you feel you should, not...

You've invested in countless things, countless people, but have you invested in your most important asset, YOU? Invest in you and you'll have more to give and what you have to offer will be richer.  The benefits will spill over into all areas of...

When life gives you a wake-up call, do you hit the snooze button?  Maybe it's not a convenient time, or you're too scared to do anything about it, or you just want to ignore it...

Just as bookends are used as supports to hold books upright, in the same way, there are people in our lives who do the same for us.  They hold up our dignity & support us, especially when we feel a bit wobbly.  So acknowledge &...

Are you kind to strangers? Think of the strangers you encounter.  People who obstruct your path, on the road, pavement, or escalators - can you smile and wait for them to move forward or ask them nicely to move?  The tourist struggling with a...

Your core priorities are all the things that matter most to you & give meaning to your life.  But in the whirlwind of life, when there are so many demands & opportunities, it's easy to lose sight of your core priorities. This week, check...

We continue to tell ourselves a story about what's happened, what's going on, what someone did...

How do you deal with people who are always late?  "Sorry, running late," messages arrive before they do! Occasional lateness is acceptable but if they're always late, you might want to do something about it.  Communicate how their lateness affects you.  Discuss ways to...

Research shows that laughter really is the best medicine.  It boosts the immune system as well as the functioning of the heart and lungs.  It reduces stress hormones and even burns calories.  Then there's other research that shows that in some cases, too much laughter...