Click!  When you're busy taking photos and videos, capturing life's moments, are you actually experiencing them? Live through your eyes or a screen, you can't do both!  Maybe we can all strike a better balance between clicking and living life's moments.   Until da next tyme ...

Do you get defensive when being criticised? Get defensive and you stop yourself from taking useful suggestions from the criticism. The next time criticism comes your way, try this: get your focus away from the negative tone of the criticism and focus on deep...

When we're feeling sorry for ourselves, we need to ask, 'What story have I been telling myself?'  Because the stories we tell ourselves shape how we feel & experience life. 1. Realise: feeling sorry for yourself does not make anything    better. 2....

Here is a recipe for inner peace: 500g of joy 2 cups of love 5 tbsp of patience 3 tsp of serenity pinch of humour In a large bowl stir all the ingredients together.  Mix well and share with everyone you know. Today...

Do you find yourself ruminating about work in your free time? To free your mind from work: - Before leaving your workplace prioritise any unfinished tasks   for the next day. - If you notice any work-related thoughts in your free time, ...

This week, stretch out of your comfort zone & try something you have never done before. Try something you've never done before & have the confidence that you can.  In turn you'll learn something new & expand your confidence.   Until da nextTyme ...

We worry about family, health, work.  If it's part of your life, you've probably worried about it at some point, but worrying just makes you anxious, and...

When someone upsets you, it's so easy to react. But if you want to stop the relationship from a downward spiral, first, take care of your upset feelings.  Then extend yourself and see things from the other person's perspective. This doesn't excuse why...

Approach everything you do, with love.  And when you come across any difficulties or tasks that you don't like to do, remind yourself: I love what I am doing! Do things with love and you begin to develop an interest, a love for what...

Words can hurt or comfort. Words can encourage or discourage. Isn't it great to hear words that are free from aggression, words that leave you with renewed vitality?  Today, as you utter words, choose your words carefully and make your words count. Until da next...