So it's official, I use Vegas as my hang-out spot on a weekend. It's another year and another trip to experience the Super bowl. If you have never visited Vegas, here are a few reasons why you should The hotels The Food The Shows The Attractions The...

You’ve heard of Times Square, The Empire State & The Statue of Liberty. But are you ready to experience a true taste of New York? From bright lights to mouth-watering bites, prepare for a trip you’ll never forget… [gallery columns="4" ids="6584,6583,6582,6581"] The Culture  From show-stopping street art to...

So having lived in the UK for a period of time, it's taken me a while to discover this small bit of heaven. Brighton is bandied around quite a bit. However, I have never heard of  Hove. So I took myself there for the weekend to visit...

Arriving in winter, the extreme cold hits you, so before leaving, be prepared - 23 degrees is not to be sniffed at Thermals. Hats, gloves, hand warmers, foot warmers USB neck warmers Iceland is one of the most expensive cities, so if you don't have the money to flash, then we will...

Is solo female travel safe? While there are risks no matter where you travel in the world, there are a few ways to lower your chances of something happening while you’re overseas. 1. Plan your first trip to one of the best countries for solo female travel While...

I love to travel alone , exploring the world alone allows you to experience an unmatched sense of freedom. The benefits of solo travel are limitless. Travel means different things to different people, but it’s almost always empowering.  1. You’ll experience unfettered freedom Without a travel partner to...

No one wants to have to pay for unexpected baggage fees, but thankfully, there are many ways to keep baggage costs down (and no, they don’t involve wearing all of your clothes at once to save on packing space). From pooling with a pal to busting...

For many people, the festive period can be as stressful as it is exciting. so take some time and practice self-care  Pack melatonin for long-haul flights Nothing impacts my mental health quite like missing sleep. Even with more than a decade of travel under my belt, unchecked jetlag...

Hanging out in Amsterdam is always amazing. Whether you are on your own with friends or a loved one, its  a special place There is plenty of things to do, despite the apparent reason why the city is always full on the weekend for its "coffee" shops. Jump...

We know this comes as no surprise to you, but some people aren’t exactly easy to travel with. Or next to. But flying doesn’t give us all an excuse to throw our manners out the airplane window — so we figured it was high time to...