Have you noticed the connection between the mind and the body?  Think anxious thoughts and your muscles tense up.  Worrying thoughts affect your digestion.  Angry thoughts increase your blood pressure.  Stress triggers headaches.  Notice the mind-body connection and think positively for better health.  You...

You've taken a selfie, right?  Take a photo of yourself and capture how you feel, how you look, where you are, and post it online.  Now there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you choose sensibly what you present and how you project yourself...

People who go barefoot on planes This is the number-one transgression on Passenger Shaming.  Once more for the seats in the back: not only are your bare feet unsightly, they often smell. And with the recirculated air on a plane, that smell...

Everything comes to us in trust.  This includes people, pets, time, mind, body, wealth, job, car, house, gadgets, as well as all the planet's resources. When we become a guardian, a trustee and not an owner, then we worry less, stress less and fear...

The flower surrenders to the night & shuts up shop as the setting sun surrenders to the horizon of another day.  Geese surrender to the first autumn chills, & think of flying south.  Well the same opportunity is also available to all of us. ...

Praise others and it makes them feel good about themselves and also motivates them. But it's not healthy for people's self worth to be based on the praise you give. Do praise others, just maybe not excessively, not because you feel you should, not...

You've invested in countless things, countless people, but have you invested in your most important asset, YOU? Invest in you and you'll have more to give and what you have to offer will be richer.  The benefits will spill over into all areas of...

When life gives you a wake-up call, do you hit the snooze button?  Maybe it's not a convenient time, or you're too scared to do anything about it, or you just want to ignore it...

Just as bookends are used as supports to hold books upright, in the same way, there are people in our lives who do the same for us.  They hold up our dignity & support us, especially when we feel a bit wobbly.  So acknowledge &...