Your mood affects others.  It’s as contagious as a cough, cold or flu! When you’re in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood impacts those around you.  And then take a moment to change your mood and begin to notice how your good...

How do you feel when you read, watch or listen to all those news stories that are scary & sad?  Mad?  Next time you get mad, turn it into M.A.D. (Make A Difference) Channel the anger into positive action, & make the change you want...

The people you spend most of your time with have an effect on you.  They can elevate you, drag you down, empower you, leave you feeling negative...

Before an important conversation or even a difficult conversation, take a little time for preparation.  Work out your purpose for the conversation, what to say and most importantly, what not to say.  Prepare and set a clear intention for the conversation and you'll heighten the...

When someone's being negative towards you, understand: 1. The negativity is not yours, so choose not to take it. 2. If you react, you feed the negativity, so act, not react. 3. There's a lesson here, about yourself, so learn it. Then determine if &...

Where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, things grow.  So, let your attention go to what is good and positive, and your appreciation will grow.  And as appreciation grows, happiness flows. Where is your attention going, right now?  Until da next Tyme ...

No one wants to go to a party without good company.  The best and the constant company you have, is your thoughts.  So, are your thoughts keeping you good company, or bad? To keep good company, pay attention to your thoughts, change what's not good...

Walk into a room with fragrant flowers & you'll find yourself taking a deep breath & enjoying the fragrance. Like fragrant flowers, we too carry our presence when we walk into a room. Our thoughts, intentions & feelings carry a fragrance that permeates the air...

Detachment is often misunderstood.  It's often seen as being disconnected or disengaged.  Detachment means to not allow the negativity of a relationship, an event or even myself to overwhelm me.  Detachment means that I am separate from the relationship, the event and even my own...

Have you thought deeply, recently? No time or space for contemplation? You can think deep thoughts as you're walking, waiting, in the shower...