Before the end of the year, take the time to a) absorb the opportunities and the lessons from the past year, and b) acknowledge how you’ve changed and grown over the year. Do this and it may help you a) create a positive perspective of the past and the...

We use a highlighter to emphasise material we find important or interesting. We even use a highlighter as a beauty product to make our skin glow and accentuate our best features. How about doing the same in our minds and in our lives? Like a highlighter,...

Do you pay attention to the small coincidences that happen in your life? Thinking of someone and they call you? Put the radio on and you hear the song you were just singing? Pay attention and notice the patterns and the positive energy affecting your...

If you’re feeling a little tired and stressed after a busy weekend, this Monday morning, take a moment to: - Observe where your mind is - Release any stress and fatigue from the weekend - Let go of any pressure and anxieties about the week ahead - Feel relaxed...

When you find yourself lost in overthinking, try this: Ask yourself questions. Ask yourself questions and it may help you stop the overthinking, put things in perspective and give the mind a positive, constructive direction. Ask yourself: What is it that’s concerning me? Is this a...

Replacing a bad habit with a positive, healthier one might be more effective than stopping the bad habit suddenly and completely. And when you're building the new habit, regularly a) practise it, b) remind yourself of the benefits of the new habit, and c) track your progress   Until da next...

Where your thoughts flow, your mood follows! Are you aware of how your thoughts affect your mood? Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, try to 1) steer away from any negative thoughts, and 2) think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, happy mood! If that doesn't work, then...

Assign an affirmation or a theme for each day of the week. Today I am light / happy / resilient / heartful / energised / calm / content. Or Motivation Monday, Transformation Tuesday, Wisdom Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Fearless Friday, Self-Care Saturday, Soulful Sunday. Start each day positively...

What’s better than an event with good company! The one constant company you have is your thoughts. Are you keeping good or bad company of thoughts?   To keep good company, a) be mindful of what you’re thinking, b) change any not-so-good thoughts to positive ones,...

Do you think that luck happens by chance? Or can you make your own luck? If you want to make good luck happen: - Be more positive. Think you are lucky, believe it and feel it. - Be open to noticing opportunities and creating possibilities. - Make the...