We all know the importance of delivering on our promises.  When we deliver what’s promised, not only are we seen as someone who’s reliable but also someone who’s good at estimating timelines. But sometimes in our enthusiasm, we over-deliver.  When we over-deliver, it’s going to...

When trying to make seemingly impossible things happen, we sometimes think, 'I can't', 'I'll never be able to do this,' 'It’ll never happen.'  Put a glass ceiling of self-limiting thinking in the way, and things remain impossible.   The next time you're thinking self-limiting thoughts,...

Ever noticed how often you complain about other people, and how it drains your energy? So this week: 1. Track how much energy goes into complaining about others. 2. Rather than complaining to everyone, talk through your feelings with the right person.  3. Ask yourself,...

Are you building bridges or creating barriers?  Not literally, but in terms of the relationships between people.  Do you choose to build better connections between people, maybe even strengthening existing ones? Especially look at the impressions you create about others to others.  Are you building...

There are times when you feel stuck and life feels sticky.  And it feels like you're moving through treacle! If you resist the ‘stickiness,’ it just keeps you more stuck.  Instead, release your resistance.  Then your mind is free to work out 1) where you...

Do you use everything you own?  Haven’t got round to using some things because you don't know where you've put things? Find things easily and make better use of what you own by: 1. De-cluttering your space.  Throw out anything that's not functional.  Recycle or ...

  Many people don’t know how to enjoy themselves on trips, and honestly it’s meant to be fun! Don’t stress about touristy things, always do what you want to do and be impromptu with your trips! Take many pictures because you never know how memorable each and...

Happy Independence Day USA !!!!     lets Party !!!    Until da next Tyme ...

Like an unexpected guest, when a challenge comes knocking on your door, welcome it.  Remember, it’s not here to stay, sooner or later it will leave. Like a guest who overstays their welcome, give the challenge your time but try not to let it overtake...

Do you let someone or something dictate your mood?  You do know, you don't have to.  To be in a good mood or a bad mood, is your choice.  So, if someone's a bit moody today or if something is just not right, remember to...