When things are looking down, here's a simple way to boost your mood, look up.  Look up in the sky.  Look up at the clouds, the sun.  Look up at the stars, the moon.  Look up at the buildings, the trees.  Look up.  It may...

Would you like to have your very own sacred space in your home? Well, you can. Find a place in your home, a corner of a room, & create a space for you. You can keep it minimal or fill it with things that inspire,...

Have you recently thought about contentment?  Here's a thought: Contentment doesn't mean no drive, no goals.  It's not a bland acceptance of life. Contentment means having your eye on the goal, having the drive to go for what you want, but at the same time,...

Sometimes we interrupt when someone is speaking because we want to give ideas, suggestions, advice….  We want to be helpful & positively influence them.  But when we interrupt, we reduce our chances to influence. If you want to be more influential, stop interrupting.  Keep your...

Ever find yourself being vague in your communication? Is it because you assume others are on the same wavelength as you? Or because you're not sure of all the details? Or you're too busy to explain? Vague isn’t easy to understand. It makes others misinterpret...

You can boil potatoes for ease, mash them for comfort, roast them to greatness & fry them for fun.  The humble potato will adjust to almost any recipe & go with almost anything you make.  They can be the star of the meal or the...

You wouldn't go a day without brushing your teeth, right?  Treat your mind like you treat your teeth. While you brush your teeth, how about also brushing your mind, keeping both your teeth and mind clean and healthy.  Brush away all the negativity and leave...

Only a tiny percentage of communication is expressed through our words.  The rest of the communication is through our facial expressions, gestures, the tone and volume of our voice, and through our attitude and behaviour. So, what you are communicating?  How are you expressing yourself?...

As is your attitude, so is your experience.  If you find that your attitude towards someone is negative, it'll influence how you communicate and behave towards that person.  And as a result, your attitude will most likely reflect back to you. So, check your attitude....