The early morning hours are so quiet.  There's space to breathe, reflect, meditate, read, write.  If you're like me, and you want to make an early start but you just can't, then here are 5 tips: 1. Wake up a little bit earlier everyday until...

If you see someone sitting quietly, do you assume they're upset or just shy?  We're so quick to make assumptions but, most often, our assumptions are out-of-date, not valid, not helpful or even relevant.  As assumptions determine your attitude, behaviour and choices, how about, reconsidering...

We all want to feel like we’re on the right track, moving in the direction of our goals.  Yet it’s so very easy to get off track.  Try the following the next time you get off track with your goals: - Identify what got you...

We don’t mean to, but once we get used to things, we start taking them for granted.  The antidote for this is to consider ourselves to be a guest, a guest in this world, at work and even in our own home.   Today, consider...

*ACCEPT* Accept others for who they are and for the choices they’ve made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions. *BREAK AWAY* Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your...

What you leave out, is just as important as what you leave in - whether it's a painting, a blog, a CV, a photograph, a book, a movie, a 'Thought for Today'. Leave everything in and it gets in the way of creativity.  Crop, edit,...

When it comes to relationships, both personal and professional ones, are you good at knowing when to step in and when to step back?  For relationships to grow and thrive: - step in and support, help, guide, share….  - step back and give people space...

Ever procrastinate on your housework?  Because it’s not urgent, you don’t feel like doing it or you’re too exhausted...

Compassion soothes & empowers the minds & hearts of others, without draining its own strength. Because compassion will let go of what hurts the heart &, instead, hold on to what heals. That's why compassion is able to empathise & see the inner need behind...

Between an interaction and your reaction, there is a space.  A space in which to assimilate what's happened, compose your thoughts and determine the best response.  Take that space to respond rather than react.  As a result, you’re more likely to make things better for...