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Relationships are all about give and take, not give or take. While the give and take may never be exactly 50/50, we have to learn to a) give without burning out b) take and accept what’s being given c) create more balanced, healthy relationships.   Until da next Tyme...

When the pressure’s on, can you keep calm and carry on? If you find it difficult to calm your anxiety, try this: turn your anxious energy into excitement. Get excited, keep going and make things happen. When the pressure’s on, what works better for you, ‘Keep...

Happy International Women's Day, we celebrate the achievements of women across the world and rally to challenge gender equality   What is International Women’s Day? International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. How did it begin? It has been...

If you find yourself putting others down, catch yourself and make the choice to say something positive. Say positive things, give a simple, genuine compliment, offer a few encouraging words…. Pull people up, not down and you'll lift others and yourself up in the process.   Until da...

When your mind feels foggy and is in need of clarity, try this: 1) Observe your mind and invite your thoughts to slow down. 2) Begin to clean your mind until it is crystal clear. 3) Breathe clear energy into your mind and bring some clarity into your...

It's in times like these that we have to dig deep and find hope. Find good things to look forward to and find the bright spots in your day, no matter how small they may seem. Dig deep and fill yourself with hope. Then the anxieties,...

Feeling cold? Try this meditation to make yourself warmer: Imagine sitting by a fireplace and basking in the warmth. Focus on the fire, watching the flames flicker and listening to the softly crackling fire in the fireplace. Enjoy and absorb the cozy ambience as you drift...

Do you feel that truth is always revealed at the right moment, at the right place? Or do you think it’s important to justify and prove your truth? Or should you simply keep living your truth? Today explore your relationship with truth and let it empower...