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Did you know that we create an atmosphere not just through light, sound, art, plants, but also through our attitude? If you’re wanting to create a better atmosphere at home or at work, to positively impact yourself, the place and the people around you, ask yourself: a)...

What are you feeding your mind, first thing in the morning? You become what you feed your mind. So, instead of feeding your mind content that triggers anxiety, nourish your mind with positive, empowering words. If you need to check the news, phone, emails or social media...

What's good my fellow foodies...

Next time your mind is a little unsettled, try one of the things listed below to ease your unsettled mind: - Reflect on what's unsettling you, and then settle the unsettled. - Do something else, like reading, art, cooking; or do something active, like walking, yoga,...

Enthusiasm makes things happen. It makes the world go round. So, are you brimming with enthusiasm? If you're not, then try one of the following to spark your enthusiasm: - have appreciation for everything around you - spend time with people who inspire you - do nothing to...

Do you want to make more impact and make today count? Love what is, smile and laugh wholeheartedly and live boldly. It'll make you feel good, look good, and do good! Make "Live. Love. Laugh." your mantra for today, and see what happens!   Until da next Tyme...

We've all heard that it takes less muscles to smile than to frown. We've also heard that frowning causes more lines and wrinkles than smiling. Whether this is true or not, doesn't really matter, does it?  Frowning and smiling, both are contagious, easy, quick and cost nothing, but...

Are you waiting for the right opportunity to come along? Waiting for them to be handed to you? Well, you could be waiting for a while...