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Being alone with myself, enjoying a little bit of quiet, experiencing moments of solitude...

Are you a good friend to everyone but you? Do you say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend? Good friends are honest but they are also kind. So, be more kind in what you say to yourself and be more forgiving...

Ladies, There is the cutest museum in Amsterdam, which takes us through time on the era of the accessory which we cannot do without ...

If you're ever feeling anxious or overwhelmed, do a simple grounding exercise to destress and get centred. You can go through the 5 senses and use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. Simply, name: - 5 things you can see around you - 4 things you can feel (the flow...

Going through a similar experience tends to increase our ability to empathise with each other. But even when it's a shared experience, it's not really the same experience, is it? Because we each perceive, understand and describe things differently. An experience is personal and unique. So,...

You know the quote by Lao Tzu: "Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny." Understand this process and...

Are you holding tension in your neck and shoulders? If yes, do a few stretches to release and relieve the tension. Why wait for the tension to build up? Incorporate stretch breaks into your day, every hour or between activities. Stop for a moment and stretch...

When we give feedback to others, it’s most often about their actions. Yet so often, we make it about their personality. If we want better results, better relationships, let’s not make it personal.   Separate the personality and the actions from the person, and cultivate a...

Is the experience of high levels of emotional stress having an effect on your sense of empathy? If you start to notice that you're feeling indifferent or experiencing compassion fatigue, then set aside time for extra self-care. Practise self-compassion and you'll recharge your empathy levels.   Until da...