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Is there something that's unfinished that you want to tackle and finish before the end of the year? Decide what you want to finish. Make sure it's something you can realistically get done before the end of the year. And then motivate yourself to finish the...

The mind is so often restless, jumping from one thought to another, never sitting still for a moment. To calm your mind, every now and then, try holding a thought in your mind like you would hold something precious in the palm of your hand....

We're not likely to always get our way because our way isn't the only way. So, next time you don't get your way: 1) Remind yourself that other people’s ways are also valid, and sometimes even better than your way.   2) Consider if you can go...

Are you a multitasker? Multitasking is not always effective or productive. So, try to limit multitasking for the times when it’s the only option. Instead, whenever you can, mono-task and do one thing at a time. Give your full undivided attention to the conversation, the person,...


Recently we have either experienced or connected with someone whose travel plans had been disrupted through no fault of their own Whether from a big airline or a smaller one? The industry has been suffering ...

When faced with a big problem, think, ‘I am bigger than the problem’.   Be bigger than the problem and from a higher vantage point the problem may seem more manageable, and it may also expand your capacity to find solutions.   Until d a next Tyme...

Are you a realist or a visionary? Which is better?   Maybe we need a bit of both to get the best results. Be visionary enough to see where you want to go. Be realistic enough to see things as they are. Then, you can create...

When you’re finding it difficult to let go of something, try the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono involves four steps: 1) I’m sorry. 2) Please forgive me. 3) Thank you. 4) I love you. Say these four phrases in your mind, from your heart, and repeat as many times as you...