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This summer of sports has reminded us how to: - be a good sport and not a sore loser - be a good spectator, a supporter, a coach and a teammate - be like the athletes, and practise and persevere, and keep raising our game and striving for...

Do you give yourself the permission to get things wrong? Are you comfortable admitting when you are wrong? Would you rather do things right or do the right thing? This week, explore the differences between doing wrong, being wrong and doing right. It may lead to...

There are days when no matter how tired we are, we just have to push through the exhaustion, keep going and get through the day. Here are 4 ways to make things easier: - Sneak in a power nap - Get some fresh air and some exercise -...

Sometimes out of concern and care, we feel it's necessary to step in, get involved or intervene in other people’s lives. But before you intervene, ask for permission. When you step in, respect the other person’s boundaries and be mindful of when you need to step...

When there's a mountain in front of you, do you view it as an inconvenience or an adventure? What lens do you see the world through? Because the way you view things is not always the way things are. To see reality more clearly, regularly challenge...

How often do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your phone? If endless scrolling is distracting you from what's important, here are 3 tips to reduce mindless scrolling: - Be intentional about when and for how long you let yourself scroll. - Leave your phone in another...

On your journey towards your goal, whenever you come across any hurdles and feel like giving up, ask yourself two questions: Why did I start this? Do I still want this? Reconnect with your motivation and it'll energise you to keep moving towards your goal   Until da...

When you are stressed, check: Are your thoughts creating the stress? How long have you been thinking like this? What would happen if you were to think differently? Think about your thinking. Think differently and you'll take control of your stress, and respond to the stress...