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Sunday is the key to you getting the most out of your week. To make the most of Sundays, here are a few tips: - Get chores and errands done on Saturdays. - Eat healthy, balanced meals and drink plenty of water. - Do something active, something fun,...

'Tis the season of giving! So, don't let the presents you give take the place of your presence. When you give presents, be in the present and share your presence - peace, love and joy.   Until da next Tyme...

Thinking positive thoughts, reading inspiring ideas isn't enough if we don't let our mind digest everything it has taken in. Just like cows, chew on inspiring ideas and positive thoughts. Chew, digest well and it will nourish you.  What will you chew on today?   Until da next...

The last week before Christmas, are you usually rushing around with a really long to-do list, feeling stressed? Well, as we step into December, let's minimise the stress by simply being more organised. List all the things you have to do for the holiday season, from...

We have high hopes for ourselves, but when, despite our best efforts, we don't see the change we want to see in ourselves, we feel frustrated & disappointed. When you feel frustration & disappointment, say to yourself "I am good enough as I am. Things...

A good dancer makes each move look effortless! Yet each move is made thoughtfully. But most dancers will tell you, that if you over-think it, you make mistakes. We too, need to do things thoughtfully, without over-thinking. And when we make mistakes, we need to flow...

Beauty is more than skin deep.  So enhance your outer beauty with your inner beauty.  Here are 5 ways: - Beauty comes from liking yourself, so get comfortable in your skin. - Feel good, feel happy, and share your goodness through a simple smile. - Be kind and...

When you feel like others outshine you, here are 5 things you can do: - Acknowledge how you feel. Is it jealousy, envy, resentment...