The mind's job is to think, and it will naturally do so. So, when a thought pops up during meditation, don't get frustrated. You can't force the monkey mind to be still. Simply observe the thought. Then, if it's an irrelevant thought, let it pass by...

When you're in need of some breathing space from your busy mind, try this: 1) Think of the mind as a screen. 2) Take a step back from the screen of your mind. 3) Observe your thoughts and emotions from a distance. 4) Become aware of...

Whenever your mind is full of stressful thoughts, rather than letting it all stew, let it all go. Imagine your stressful thoughts as balloons and then one by one, let go. Watch all the balloons float away, becoming smaller and smaller, a dot in the distance, until they're...

The way you think sharpens your focus and expands your possibilities. Today, think big about who you are and what you can contribute. And then, think bigger. If you’re not thinking big, ask yourself why you’re limiting yourself? Think bigger and go for it. And even if you don't...

We can be knowledgeable on just about anything but knowledge alone doesn't make us wise. So, when does knowledge become wisdom? Knowledge, when applied and integrated into your attitude and actions, becomes wisdom. Are you turning knowledge into wisdom? Until da next Tyme...

Every outcome starts with a thought. So, let’s ensure that our thoughts are like seeds, sown with intention and care. By planting good thoughts, only the best seeds in our minds, the outcomes we yield will be the best. Until da next Tyme...

Are your thoughts leading you towards positivity and opportunities? Or are they steering you towards negativity and self-sabotage? Our thoughts influence our emotions and behaviours. So, consciously choose the direction of your thoughts, and redirect any unproductive thoughts towards more empowering ones. Where are your thoughts leading you, today? Until...

We’re always going to be disappointing someone or the other. It's just not possible to please everyone all of the time. While letting go of the need to please people, becoming comfortable with the discomfort that comes with disappointing others and being mindful of the other person's...

Are you efficient or effective? Being efficient is doing things right, and being effective is doing the right things. Often, when we're being efficient, we're doing things better and faster, and as a result, we may be active but not necessarily effective. To be efficient or effective, or effectively efficient?...

Ever hear yourself say, "I’ve got no choice?"  Realise: You always have a choice. Maybe not everything is a choice, but we do have a choice in how we experience and engage with life And the choices we make shape our life. Make meaningful choices and live life...