Peace is accessible and easy to find. How? You don’t need hours of meditation; 10 minutes can make all the difference. 10 minutes is all it takes to soothe the soul. Follow these 5 steps: 1. Set a 10-minute timer and sit somewhere quiet, in a...

We deserve the best of thoughts in our life. Today, look closely at the thoughts you choose to entertain and discern the validity and the value of your thoughts. Choose to engage with thoughts that are helpful, let go of unproductive thoughts, and think the best...

What we do impacts the world. How we think also has a considerable impact on the world. They really do. For example, if you have angry thoughts, it feeds the anger in the world. Today, think about 1) the impact your thoughts have on the world,...

If you want to control your thoughts, instead of them controlling you, remind yourself: "I am a creator of my thoughts. I can guide them as I want." If you want to keep a check on your thoughts, take a few small pauses during your day...

Like footprints in the sand, imprints in the mind also get left behind. For a calm sleep and a fresh start the next day, take a few minutes at the end of the day to clear the footprints in your mind. Just as footprints in the...

How many of your thoughts today are the same ones you had yesterday? Let yesterday’s thoughts stay in yesterday. Think new thoughts, thoughts that are grounded in today. And make every day a fresh start.   Until da next Tyme...

Think elevated thoughts and your thoughts become like stars, bright and luminous.   Then, your mind becomes like a clear starry night sky, and your thoughts, like stars, will brighten your mood and illuminate your world.   Until da next Tyme...

Here is a technique to calm an overactive mind: Keep the mind active with a few simple thoughts. "I am calm." "My mind is clear." Sometimes a few simple thoughts is all the mind needs to restore calm.   Calm the overactive mind and then you...

Whatever's going on in our heads is reflected on our face. We wear our thoughts on our face! Look in the mirror and notice the changing expressions on your face as you think about something happy, sad, stressful, funny, embarrassing...

Do you find yourself playing small in your life, work or relationships? As Nelson Mandela famously put it, "There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." So, stop...