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If you're tired and stressed, a soak in a hot bath works wonders.  But if you have no time, then here's a tip: take two minutes to sit quietly and visualise it.  It'll take you only a couple of minutes to feel as if you've...

Are we there yet?  How often do you find yourself focused only on the destination? To reach that goal, whatever it may be? Often, in our hurry to reach our goals, we get impatient and we also pace ourselves unsustainably.  As a result, we don't...

What's going to take you to higher and greater altitudes, in your success, personal development, in everything you do?  Of course, your aptitude has a lot to do with how high you can go - but so does your attitude. Your attitude impacts everything, from...

Just like a chair supports our body when we sit on it, be like a chair and be a support to others. Even though some chairs are cosy and some uncomfortable, they’re always there when you need them.  Like a chair, be there when others...

Like a river, life has its twists and turns and obstacles.  Yet the river keeps flowing.  Like a river, accommodate the twists and turns of life.  When obstacles come your way, your challenge is to find or create a way forward.  Keep flowing forward and...

We all want to look beautiful. But beauty is more than skin deep. Just as we can enhance our outer beauty, why not invest in enhancing your inner beauty. Try the following 3 steps: 1. Feel beautiful. Meditate daily to experience your inner beauty, your...