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Does your mind often feel like a busy station?    The next time it feels like there’s an endless train of thoughts, try this: Get off the train of thoughts.  Just as you can sit on the platform and watch the trains come and go,...

Do you have the habit of dividing your attention between multiple things at once?  Are you trying to save time?  Divided attention reduces focus, increases tension, and it actually takes more time to get things done.  Here's the antidote: Focused attention.  Focus your attention on...

Not only does the philosophy of non-violence teach us not to hurt anyone physically or verbally, but it also teaches us not to harm anyone's self-respect, not even through our thoughts.  Such an ethic requires great awareness and sensitivity.  The easiest way to do this...

  Happy Thanksgiving to my US crew !!!  Lately the UK seems to be adopting the plus side of Thanksgiving  rather than the true meaning of this day. It is meant to be a thankful day, but we seem to lose that message and...

Its cold outside, it’s time to put our coats on and wrap up warm.  Not just to protect yourself from a freezing breeze but to also maintain your health.  How about putting on a layer of healthy thoughts and wrapping up warm, with positive feelings....

There are many things in life we think we can't do.  And we're right, we really can't.  But there are so many things we probably could do, if we just gave it a go.  This week, do something you think you can't do.  Just give...

Did you know that we’re all walking radiators?   Whatever is going on inside us – thoughts, attitudes, intentions and feelings, radiate out.  Although subtle, they broadcast loud and clear into the environment.    What are you radiating and broadcasting right now? Until da next...