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Do you know your weaknesses? Behaviours and attitudes that hold you back?  To find your weaknesses: a) Think about your behaviours and attitudes that may have contributed to your past failures.  b) Think about your behaviours that cause distress to yourself and others.  Now list...

Have you thought deeply, recently? No time or space for contemplation? You can think deep thoughts as you're walking, waiting, in the shower...

Compare yourself to others?  Comparison can be a source of motivation.  But it can also leave you feeling inferior or superior - and both these states devalue yourself and the other person. How about changing comparison to compassion.  With compassion, you can value yourself and...

List the people you admire, real or fictional.  A leader from politics, business, sports….  A parent, teacher, friend….  A character from a book, movie, comic book….  What is it that you admire about these people? Certain characteristics, their intelligence, humour, creativity, kindness, hard work….?  Do...

The lotus flower is a symbol of purity and resilience.  Its roots are in the mud but it rises above the muddy waters, to grow into a pure, bright and beautiful flower. Like the lotus flower, be grounded in the realities of life and let...

Are you someone who isn’t very active?  Sitting at a desk all day?  Sitting on a couch when you get home?     If you’re a bit of a couch potato, coach yourself to get fit and more active.  Make it easy by doing what...

No one likes being told what to do!  Tell someone what to do and their ears close and mind switches off.  It comes across as if you’re ordering or demanding. The next time you are ready to tell someone what to do, ask, don’t tell....