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Life often feels like a game of musical chairs.  Just when you get comfortable with where you live, work or the people in your life, things change.  You know the rules, when the music starts, you have to get off your chair and move.  No...

Do you make your own decisions?  Think again, because you may be surprised just how much we look to others to make our decisions. Of course it's useful to look to others for advice, perspective, insight...

When disruptive thoughts disturb you or interfere with your focus, try this simple tip: interrupt.  Interrupt your disruptive thoughts.  Interrupt with calm, constructive thoughts.   Interrupt to create smarter better results. Until da next Tyme ...

When we're working in a team, it's easy to put all the responsibility on the team leader.  But we're all responsible! If we all take responsibility for not just the task, but also for working better together and creating a positive team environment, we'd have...

Is excitement the same thing as happiness?  Excitement is a positive emotion that makes us feel alive, but excitement doesn’t always last, it tends to wear off.  Enjoy the happiness that comes from excitement, but understand that true happiness is not the same thing as...

What are you avoiding right now?  Some feedback you have been given, an early night, eating more healthily.  Sometimes, we avoid what’s best for us.  Ask yourself: 1) If I keep avoiding, how will this affect my life in the weeks, months and years ahead?...

All too often we get wrapped up in all the different stories going on in our lives, and easily loose perspective.  Every now and then, unwrap yourself from the stories.  Close the book.  Take a deep breath and let a bit of quiet calm wrap...

Are you quick to say ‘yes’ to everyone and everything?  Yes.  No wonder you’re feeling frazzled and fried! Try slowing down the quick ‘yes’ response.  Slow down to choose wisely when to say 'yes' or 'no'.  Make the choice and then say it and mean...

Detachment is often misunderstood.  It's often seen as being disconnected or disengaged.  Detachment means to not allow the negativity of a relationship, an event or even myself to overwhelm me.  Detachment means that I am separate from the relationship, the event and even my own...