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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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A busy schedule and a long to-do list usually mean moving fast, rushing around, and trying to get everything done. But rushing creates a sense of anxiety and tension that may make others feel agitated and uncomfortable, which then limits their willingness to help you...

Marrakesh, the vibrant jewel of Morocco, seduces the senses with its kaleidoscope of colours, scents, and sounds. Recently, I embarked on a journey to this enchanting city, where history whispers through narrow alleys and modernity dances with tradition. From the bustling souks to the tranquil...

Nestled in the heart of Clapham Junction, Pad Thai Story is a culinary oasis that delights both the palate and the soul. As a food enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of experiencing their culinary magic, and I must say, it was an unforgettable journey...

We know that real beauty comes from within. Today, cultivate a sense of beauty by 1) turning inwards to appreciate your own qualities, 2) turning your focus outwards to notice the beauty in everyone around you, 3) and painting your life with the vibrant colors of...

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou Of course, words and actions matter. But how you make others feel may matter even more. What impression do...

How many of your thoughts today are the same ones you had yesterday? Let yesterday’s thoughts stay in yesterday. Think new thoughts, thoughts that are grounded in today. And make every day a fresh start.   Until da next Tyme...

Like an athlete, our goal is to maintain peak performance and reach our personal best. And the only person we’re competing with is, ourselves. So, keep your eyes on the goal and go for it.   When things get tough, remember that setbacks, off-days, and disappointments...

Why do we like sunsets? Whether it’s on the commute, on a holiday, in a painting, or even a glance out the window; a sunset can grab our attention. And, in that moment, it’s as if all our problems, worries, and stress fade away, and...

When someone you know ignores you, how does it make you feel? Hurt, angry…? Recognize and validate your feelings, and then, decide whether it’s best to talk it out with the person or let it slide. Being ignored often feels painful because we are so dependent...