Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are our five senses.  Our senses are connected to the mind.  Our senses can over-stimulate, over-load and over-tire the mind.  If our senses pick up or generate any negativity, it’ll disturb the way the mind works. For peace of mind,...

No matter how confident we are, we all experience the occasional blip in our confidence.  The next time you need an instant boost of confidence, try this simple, quick trick: smile. Smile.  It might be tentative to start with, but as you put your heart into...

  She carried you She gave birth to you She fed you! She clothed you ! She prepared you for the world! Now thank her, for all she has done ! Happy Mothers Day         Until da next Tyme...

When we put our work out into the world, we want it to be appreciated.  But sometimes it all goes unnoticed and sometimes some people just don't get what we do. Now, you don't really have control over how people will respond to what you do....

You honour your time and money right?  Well, energy too, is one of your most precious resources. So honour your energy by managing it well, and exercise, drink lots of water, eat healthily, get enough sleep...

Are you always honest about yourself, to yourself?  When we're not honest with ourselves, it creates a subtle tension. To improve your level of honesty, take time at the end of the day or the end of the week to reflect and journal.  Be honest with...

Values inform our choices, add meaning to our actions and definition to our character, but do we really use our values?  Are our actions in sync with our values, at all times? Get in sync with your values, even when no one is looking, even when...

When someone makes an unreasonable request, how do you respond?  Do you say no, not possible? Mostly, what works is a clear and confident no.  But you may want to give a little explanation of why you're refusing their current request, without over explaining your reasoning....

You may want to do it all by yourself and manage it all alone.  But you don't have to.  If you need help, ask for it.  Reach out and ask the right person for a little assistance, a little support. If you're holding back from asking...