Another Plane ….
Good morning people, Once again today I jump on a plane ( my second Home ) and head to another few countries :) ...
Good morning people, Once again today I jump on a plane ( my second Home ) and head to another few countries :) ...
Everything around you is constantly changing. No matter how you react or feel, change happens anyway. So you might as well embrace the change. Choose to adapt & change your approach, & not only will you feel more in control but you will also...
For most of us, self acceptance isn't as easy as it could be! If you feel that you're not good enough, realise: you are enough. If you rate yourself against others, realise: there's no one else in the world quite like you. Believe in...
Think big, believe big, dream big and visualise big. The way we think, believe, dream and visualise, paves the way to success. That's not to say you can think yourself to success - but it's a starting point. So rise above the...
Hello people, So in the months I have been here I have been trying to get an angle on the partying scene here in Jamaica So let me try and break it down what I have observed. Jamaica like anywhere else...
If you think or say, something is impossible, it probably will be. 'Impossible' disempowers you and stops you finding a way to make things possible. As Audrey Hepburn said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" So change 'Impossible' to 'I'm...
"You were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry." Can you willingly apologise when you're wrong? Being right doesn't really matter. But what does matter is acknowledging when you're wrong, taking responsibility and apologising humbly. Admitting you are wrong not only helps you...
Here are the 3 R's to make the relationships that matter most, easier: Roles, Rules, and Rituals. Roles clarify what is expected of you. Otherwise there's frustration and confusion when roles are unclear. Know your specific role in each relationship and play your...