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Good morning, When working in an open-plan space, or commuting on public transport, we can't help but overhear conversations.  When overhearing conversations, do you get annoyed or distracted? Try to tune out the distractions and not create extra thoughts that feed your annoyance.  Try...

Hi All, I am sharing Secret#6 Focus forward  What are the goals that would make you feel good if you achieved them : by the end of the week, and the end of the month? Work out what to do to make sure you get there...

Good morning, What's your metaphor for life?  Is life like a box of chocolates?  A stage, a river, a mountain to climb, maybe a battlefield? You may even have more than one metaphor. As is your belief, so is your experience.  If you...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #5 Think before you act . Its easy to get caught up in the wrong stuff. Thinking first means we do less but we do the right stuff. Have one to - do list for the whole week. Use it to focus on...

Good morning , Irrelevant thoughts come in abundance.  They take your attention away from the present moment, into the past or the future, as you imagine problems, create doubts and confusions.  And before you know it, you're caught in a spider's web of thoughts....

Hi All, I am sharing secret #4 Make sure each person knows how important they are to you (no need to tell them the others are important too ). Put your partner first. Ask how their day went  as soon as you see them. If...

Good morning, The world is full of inspiring people.  So take inspiration from children, friends, family, mentors, the postman, people in the spotlight...

Hi All, I am sharing Secret #3 Avoid blaming other people and circumstances. Taking responsibility is the first step to taking control. Focus on what you can do as opposed to what you cant. Picking apart a problem may feel therapeutic but it doesn't put you in the driving...