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Good morning, Often we overlook the opportunities that are around us, simply because we are unable to see them.  Try being like a bee: - Look for the positive possibilities. - Start collecting them. - Create your own opportunities, your own 'honey.' Go...

Good morning, Want to find just a little bit of quiet far from the madding crowd?  Without going away to a sanctuary or a retreat, you can find it right now, right here within yourself. Here is an accessible exercise:  Slow down the...

Good morning, After a negative interaction, traces of emotions and impressions get left over.  These shape our future expressions!  That's why it's important to wipe the slate clean. This doesn't mean erasing things completely, no, it means transforming negative into positive.  Here's how...

good morning, When we are anticipating something it's so easy for the anticipation to turn into anxiety.  How about turning anticipation into preparation!  Recognise what you need to prepare & do it!  Then choose to think about it, only when you need to. ...

Good morning, A good dancer makes every move look effortless!  Yet we know that each step is precise & taken with consideration.  But most dancers will tell you, that as soon as you start to doubt or over-think, you make mistakes. Like a...

Good morning, Situations change.  People change.  We change.  But have your perceptions of people in your life changed with the change?  Are your relationships based on out-of-date perceptions? Regularly reassess, renew & refresh your perceptions, especially the ones that no longer serve you. ...

Good morning , Are you in the habit of saying 'yes' to extra tasks?  Even if you're already overloaded with what's on your plate?  Pythagoras said, "The oldest, shortest words, 'Yes' and 'No' are those which require the most thought."  So be thoughtful about...

Good morning, Notice the light in your life, today.  Sunlight, electric light...