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Good morning , Think about your recent conversations, are they set on auto-pilot?  Are you saying the same thing in all your conversations? Have different types of conversations: some that delight you, some that are thoughtful, some that touch your heart, some that...

Good Morning Do you get annoyed at the sound of other people humming?  Especially if it's out of tune!  Well did you know that humming enhances wellbeing?  It activates good vibrations that soothe your muscles, uplift your mood & reduce the number of thoughts...

Good morning, Do you complain or get agitated about your daily commute?  Your attitude about your commute can carry into work, home, and play. So try to make your commute more pleasant, read, listen to music or podcasts, contemplate, meditate or simply chill. ...

Good morning , Simple means: making things easy; having priorities organised; keeping things short and sweet; maintaining a clear focus. Living a simple life is a nice idea, but not so simple in a world that's complicated & complex. So let's simplify...

Good morning, As we all get caught up in "me, me, me," let's try something different this week: for 10 to 30 minutes everyday, dedicate yourself to others.  Give your time to an elderly neighbour.  Share something you value in your local community, your...

Good Morning, Many thorns, few roses, yet it's known as a rose bush & not a thorn bush! So when life gets a bit thorny & prickly, remember to rise above the thorns to look for the roses. Until da next Tyme...

Good morning, Most of us have the habit of interfering in other people's lives.  Mostly it's out of concern and care, but sometimes it's because we enjoy meddling or we think that we know what's best. Is your interference successful, useful or even...

Good morning, Often when we feel unsure about ourselves & are unwilling to do something different, we slip into feeling terrified. Stop feeling terrified, start feeling terrific!  How?  Each day decide to feel terrific & have a terrific time. Feel comfortable in...

Good morning, Winning thoughts cultivate a positive mindset.  They lead you to take better actions and to perform better. Think: You are on the stage of the world, competing to be the brightest, happiest, most efficient...