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Good morning all, With the weather changing on us, this morning thought of the day  can bring hesitation and avoidance...

Good morning all, Its a crisp chilly morning and today's Thought of the day is reflected of that :) Just like snowflakes, each one of us is unique and distinct.  Like the snowflake, we too are shaped by our own particular...

Good afternoon all, Its the weekend and here is the thought of the day, for some light thinking  over the weekend :) To be the best, be free from waste.  Are you free from waste?  Whenever you catch yourself...

Hey there all, Many thanks for all the requests to reinstate the health updates back to the blog. I have listened to your comments and will be sending future blogs about diabetes and general health updates :) Are you an Apple or Pear? and...

Good morning all, Its another new day :) Today's thought is alll about caring ...

Good afternoon/Evening peeps, Today's thought of the day is running a little late, but better late than never :) Often we assume that good ideas just happen.  Or we try to generate ideas in a formal environment. Sometimes changing the setting can...

Good afternoon all, Todays thought of the day is worth thinking about :) I know of many people that this is applicable to :( When mistakes are made, we get defensive because of our ego.  Ego prevents us from learning. Nobody likes...

Dear all, Following my earlier post this week, I don't believe in resolutions, however I do believe in setting goals, which are achievable  Set goals for 2012.  For your career, relationships, health and personal development. Now, for each goal, write down some small steps...