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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Hey peeps, When Hungry Reach For The EGG WHITES Egg Whites contain 40 different proteins! Egg whites are 90% water & high in proteins & they increase calorie burn. Low in carbs they also reduce appetite. Egg whites hardly have any fat. Scramble...

Good morning all, Happy Monday !!! During the day, when you're really, really busy, it's not really possible to block out ten minutes to stop, sit down and meditate, is it? Here is an expression of hope to all the busy people:...

Good Morning A Great Diuretic! Eggplant is low in calories and high in fiber & magnesium & potassium. Good for diabetic and dieters alike because of it's high water content. A great Diuretic! Has antioxidants too! Try eggplant parm, eggplant stew, and some...

Good morning all, Corriander Coriander helps stimulate the secretion of insulin and also lowers blood sugar. This herb may be useful in the management of diabetes. Until da next Tyme!...

Good afternoon all, Interruptions are distracting and disruptive, even when they're pleasant ones, like people dropping in or calling to talk.  Even though you can't stop interruptions altogether, you can manage them better. Politely but assertively encourage the interrupter to get to the...

Good morning, Resistant Starch Resistsnt Starch can improve blood sugar levels. Best Sourches aqreberries, oatmeal, brown rice, garbanzo beans, black beans, & rye bread Some studies show that by eating resistant starch you can reduce hunger and have fewer cravings. WHY? Resistant starch...

Good morning all, Canned Chicken Is Packed With Protein Some might say yuck, but have never tried it. Canned Chicken is low in calories & packed with protein. It is low in fat and has B vitamins. Stir-fry with onions, garlic, chili powder,...

Good morning all, Life's challenges are like house guests - they come and they leave.  So, the next time a challenge comes your way, remember: they will also go away. And when house guests leave your home, you wouldn't let them take everything...