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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning all, When we offer an idea, an opinion, or an opportunity to others, we want it to be accepted.  But we can't make anyone take or accept anything. Try this: Offer without expectations.  Offer with confidence and humility. When you...

Good morning all, Our thoughts are like arrows, once released, they reach their target.  What target are you aiming for? As the archer, you have a selection of arrows to choose from.  Which thoughts will you choose today? Choose a...

Good morning all, We've all experienced our share of hurt.  But how can we get past this hurt? Realise: I no longer want to carry the burden of the past. The hurt no longer serves me any purpose.  If the past has moved...

Good morning all, Shhh!  Make today a quiet day. There's no need to retreat from the world.  Carry on with your schedule as planned, just practice being quieter than normal.  There's no need to stop talking, just talk less. By being quiet...

Hi there all, A friend recently sent me this from one of my early post a few years ago This is my secret to being me...

Good morning, Does a kangaroo wish it were an elephant? Would a duck desire the life of a hippopotamus? Does a jellyfish long to be bumblebee? Would a snake be happier as a giraffe? How much time and energy do you spend wishing...

Good morning all, Ever considered that half the problem is the word 'problem' itself?  Frame situations as problems and you make it more difficult to solve the problem. Instead place a positive frame over the problem, and view the situation differently: What is the silver...

Good morning all, Your mood affects others.  It's as contagious as having a cough, cold or flu! The next time you're in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood is impacting those around you.  And then take a moment to change your mood...

Good morning all, Right about now is when most of us are abandoning or forgetting our new year's resolutions. If that's the case, then: 1) Remind yourself of why you made the resolution in the first place. 2) Ask yourself why you're struggling...