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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Dear all, I have just received this update and wanted to pass on to those that will be travelling to Portugal in the next coming weeks : Incident description: Pilots of Portugal's national air carrier, TAP, are scheduled to strike between 5 and 8 July and from 1 to...

Hello all, I always find it amazing how the people suddenly become prudes when the Sex word is mentioned...

One of my latest trips took me to Barcelona...

Hello London, Today is a sunny day!!! Yes the sun is out after the torrential rain and flash floods over the last few weeks...

Good morning all, Do you let your imagination run wild and create worse-case scenarios? Imagining the worst strengthens the possibility of creating the very situation you do not want.  Instead, why not increase the possibility of creating the best! Harness your imagination...

Good morning all, We tend to admire people who have qualities we would like to have or do things we would like to do. Think of the people you admire - they could be a character from a book, a movie or someone...

Dear all, So with all the travel I have been doing over the last few weeks, I will be up dating here in the next few weeks. Watch this space until da next time!...