When there’s a storm of thoughts and emotions, turn towards your inner calm, the eye of the storm. Here you can find stillness and stability. Then, when the storm is over, instead of feeling battered or depleted, you’ll continue on your journey with calm and...

When our values are shared, it makes communication and collaboration easier. But most often, we find that other people’s values are different than ours. So, 1) get to know other peoples' values, 2) accept and respect that their values may differ from yours. T This doesn't make them...

Your body is like a car, it takes you where you need to go. But unlike a car, you can’t replace it. So, to ensure everything runs smoothly and works properly: - Give the body regular fuel and maintenance - Pay attention to your body’s signals - Use...

Are you wishing things were different?  Wishing what life could be? Keep wishing and you're missing out on the life you are living. If you don’t want to miss out, stop wishing your life away and start being content with the life you are living.  Start...

R.e.s.p.e.c.t. - it's something we all want, and not just Aretha Franklin. So, if you want respect, start respecting yourself first.  Start respecting your talents and interests and stop downplaying your strengths and success.  Start saying no without feeling guilty and stop saying mean things...

Correcting others in front of others, doesn't work. It's not encouraging or polite. But if you really need to correct, ask them first, if they would like some feedback. If they agree, then, do it when no one else is around, do it in a kind...

Trying new food places is what I LOVE to do, so when this new eaterie arrived in the city in the new BloombergArcade I was super excited. With choices ranging from Steaks, Chicken Lamb and Seafood, there a plethora of sandwiches ( all healthy of course ) ...

Do you keep putting things off; from all the little things in your life to the more significant things? If not now, then when?  Well, you can't do everything now. Some things will need to be rescheduled. But, if we keep putting things off, they...