Sometimes we get stuck in our limitations.  If you want to get unstuck, let your awareness become like the sky, stretched from horizon to horizon, vast and unlimited, just potential and blue sky! Feel your potential and you'll work through your limitations and everything else in...

Are you a member of the fight club?  There are things worth fighting for, things that are important to us, things we care about, people we love...

You've heard the quote from Albert Einstein: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” What does your workspace say about you? Does your workspace help or hinder your focus, creativity & productivity?...

You know that sinking feeling you get when you realise you've lost all of your work?  All that hard work, all that time...

Most of the time, we just skim the surface, only seeing the tip of the iceberg without exploring what's below. Today, make that extra effort to look below the surface, look beyond what's visible. Look & you'll understand the complexity & find depth in everything &...

Looking for something punchy to get the adrenaline pumping ! Need it to be in London? Need it to be central? Head to the O2, believe it or not, the O2 ticks all the boxes.   Be adventurous and walk over the o2 canopy I took my team for...

Your mood affects others. Moods are contagious. If you don't want others to catch your bad mood, then take a moment to shift your mood. Do something, anything that feels good and helps to lift your mood. You can always think happy thoughts to create...

It feels good to help doesn't it? And it always feels good when someone offers their help. So, why wait to be asked? If there is something you can do to make a difference, then be proactive and offer to help without being asked. Offer help....

Most of us believe in never giving up. But sometimes quitting is the smartest, wisest thing to do. Whether it's a commitment, an activity, a habit, an idea, a relationship, a project, if it's not making you happy, not serving you in a meaningful way,...