So recently while flicking through my tv channel, I landed on a show called Sister Wife...

Do you worry about the future? The future is unknown, uncertain and unpredictable, so instead of worrying about it, start trusting life a little bit more. Trust that everything that happens, happens for your growth. Trust that life knows your potential and it will nurture you....

Have you been meaning to get in touch with someone but just haven't got around to it? There are always good reasons for not getting around to it, but if it's important and meaningful to you, then make it happen today. Send an email, a text,...

Do you have the habit of making mountains out of molehills? Often when we overanalyse and overthink things, we make them bigger and more challenging than they really are. Next time you find yourself making a mountain out of a molehill, try and get a hold...

May is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the third of seven months to have a length of 31 days. May is a month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, May in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of November in the Northern Hemisphere...

When someone's being negative towards you, it's a challenge not to react or let the negativity get to you. But if you react or let it get to you, you not only feed the negativity but your positivity also depletes. So, choose not to take the...

Like the trained eye of a jeweller who discerns the real from the fake, we too have this skill, a subtle clarity that enables us to filter out apparent truth from real truth. Especially as consumers of advertising and news, we have to become more discerning...

There must be a good reason why we had bedtime routine as kids. So, let's bring it back! Establish a comforting routine that helps you to sleep better. Maybe, take 15-30 minutes to wind down. You can jot down all of the things busying your mind,...

Happiness is something you can make happen. You can do simple things to make yourself happy. But happiness is more than a positive emotion; it's a state of being, something that is within. So, go within to experience inner happiness. Be happy and your happiness will...

Who do you follow?  On social media, we follow amazing individuals, like-minded people, celebrities, brands...