Everyone loves a five-star hotel. The lush bed linen, the charming white-gloved waiters, the gold sticker holding down the loo roll; it’s hard not to leave such an establishment purring like a cat. Less lovely is the final bill, of course. But there are lots...

Even when someone seems a world apart from you, don’t stop looking for a bridge. Even when bridges have been burnt, never stop trying to build a bridge. Even when the other person doesn't respond or want to reconnect, at least you added a brick to...

When you wake up in the morning and finally manage to get out of bed, do you rush through your morning routine? How you start the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. So, if possible, just sit there, for however long you want....

Just as when you throw a pebble into a pond and the ripples spread out, in the same way, throw a pebble of relaxation into your mind and feel relaxation ripple through you. Drop a tranquillity pebble and feel ripples of tranquillity spread out across...

How often do you not eat on time because you are distracted or caught up in something? When you don't eat on time, do you get snippy and snappy? If you get “hangry”, angry because you're hungry, what you need is “hanger management”. Here are a...

Its a been a busy week, I was able to grab tickets to Motown the Musical that I have been meaning to see for a long time ...

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing the screening of Macbeth  from the National Live Theatre or so I thought Rufus Norris modern-day version was slightly confusing and far away from the social and  political context of what Macbeth is all about Firstly I am not a Shakespeare fan but I can...

Are you feeling overburdened by all the responsibilities in your life? If you're feeling overburdened, take responsibility of how you take responsibilities. Take some things off your plate and avoid overloading yourself in the future. See your responsibilities as gifts. Try this and you may no...

When you encounter negative feedback, do you get defensive or let it deflate or derail you? Even though it's never pleasant, here are a few tips to make negative feedback positive: - Be open to the feedback but don't take it too personally - If appropriate, thank...

Most of us believe in never giving up. But sometimes quitting is the smartest, wisest thing to do. Whether it's a commitment, an activity, a habit, an idea, a relationship, a project, if it's not making you happy, not serving you in a meaningful way,...