When your head is full of thoughts, full of fear, stress, worries, doubts, here's a simple reminder: you are not your thoughts. Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts and you can: S - Separate yourself from the thoughts and breathe O - Observe your thoughts and...

When a flower blossoms, its beauty and fragrance is released into the world. Like a flower, we too can bloom where we are.  And when we tap into our inner goodness, we release our inner beauty and goodness into the world.   Until da next Tyme...

When something doesn’t sit right with you, in life or in your relationships, do you just sit on it, ignore it or resolve it? Sometimes things resolve by themselves but most of the times, things fester if you don't deal with them.  Let things fester and...

Trying to do too much, too fast or trying to keep up with others will only leave you exhausted and unable to give your best. Like a runner, you have to find your own pace. Find what you can manage, what works for you and live...

When you encounter negative feedback, do you get defensive or let it deflate or derail you? Even though it's never pleasant, here are a few tips to make negative feedback positive: - Be open to the feedback but don't take it too personally - If appropriate, thank...

Are you feeling overburdened by all the responsibilities in your life? If you're feeling overburdened, take responsibility of how you take responsibilities. Take some things off your plate and avoid overloading yourself in the future. See your responsibilities as gifts. Try this and you may no...

How often do you not eat on time because you are distracted or caught up in something? When you don't eat on time, do you get snippy and snappy? If you get “hangry”, angry because you're hungry, what you need is “hanger management”. Here are a...

A friend of mine has been experiencing huge difficulties in seeing his daughter since his relationship with the mother broke down. Following his story it highlighted to me that whilst the courts/ government or the powers that be decide on where that child must reside, sometimes the decisions are not...

Just as when you throw a pebble into a pond and the ripples spread out, in the same way, throw a pebble of relaxation into your mind and feel relaxation ripple through you. Drop a tranquillity pebble and feel ripples of tranquillity spread out across...

Confusion happens. And when it happens most of us don’t like to show it because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Why not, be more comfortable with confusion? Because confusion can be useful. As you try to get a better understanding, it can make you think...