Good morning , When a ship is caught in a storm, the captain navigates the ship towards the eye of the storm, a place of calm.  As the storm subsides, the ship continues on its journey. Similarly, when everything around us is changing,...

Good morning , Do you do things to seek approval from others?  Today whilst you do things, check your motives behind your actions and discern what feels right. It's important for our self esteem not to do things for approval.  Validate your...

Good morning, Our minds are constantly wandering off to different locations.  Some are over visited & some are just not good for us.  It could be a sulking corner, a complaining cushion, or somewhere that's become a bit industrial or polluted. Where we...

Good afternoon, Does your weekend read as a series of appointments?  If your weekends have become complicated, complex & filled with activities & events, then once in a while, get back to basics & simplify! Enjoy the simple pleasures of listening to a...

Good morning , Life presents itself as lessons, as opportunities for personal growth. Have the attitude of being a student, and you will always find teachers!  And in every dialogue, every moment, there is a possibility that you may find a teacher. ...

Good morning , Being defensive has its place but being overly defensive does not.  So the next time you're responding disproportionately to something, get clear about what you're defending & justifying; what's pushing your buttons? Learn to accept other people's point of view...

Good morning, Bad moods happen.  But when you're in a bad mood, do you look for things to fuel the bad mood?  Try to do something that feels good and work your way out of the bad mood. There has to be a...

Good morning, Often we can be verbally silent but we're not experiencing inner silence.  Inner silence doesn't mean no thoughts or an empty void. To experience inner silence, turn your attention away from the rush of conversations, lists & obligations, & bring your...

Good morning , Making a complaint doesn't always have to be negative, it's good to express your opinions & suggestions.  But if you're not gaining anything positive by complaining, then you might want to 1) reduce the whining & grumbling; or 2) turn your...

Good morning all, Make time to swing today.  You don't even have to go to the park, simply swing from one characteristic to another. Swing between caring for yourself & caring for others, conversation & quiet, cautious & daring; from being serious to...