Good morning , Today, challenge yourself to smile, all day.  Scan for the positives and smile sincerely, both at yourself and to the world. If you don't feel like smiling then simply relax your facial muscles and see if a natural smile appears. ...

Good morning, Start today hoping to make mistakes!  That doesn't mean you're giving yourself permission to be sloppy or careless.  No! It means that you stop worrying about getting things right and you're more willing to try new things and meet new challenges. ...

Good morning all, It's important to get off the treadmill, break the routine and create time for regular self renewal!  Fix an appointment with yourself.  Make it today, over the weekend or whenever it suits you. Create time to do nothing; sit with...

Good morning, When we put labels on people, we're categorising them with a single word, without considering complex factors.  Labels get in the way of reality.  In reality, people are so much more than a label. Remove the labels.  Take a peek below...

Good morning , When you have one of "those" days, when the pace steps up, when things get hectic, or when everything seems to go wrong...

Hey y'all Tune into your Inner Sherlock Holmes and challenge yourself to solve the riddle that is YOU! Engage your Inner Detective to: - Examine your thought and be behavioral patterns. - Investigate the values that influence your decisions and relationships. - Assess situations, challenges...

Good morning , Do you sometimes find it hard to get started on a difficult task?  Try making it your first task.  Put all your attention on the task, even for only one minute. Plant a seed of attention, and this will germinate...

Good morning, If life is a game, then be a good sport, not a sore loser. Be a good cheerleader, a loyal supporter, a good teammate. Know when to sit on the sidelines and when to get off the sidelines and get into the...

Good morning, Think about how you want the chores to be completed.  Think about your opinions on what makes good driving.  Think about all your rules on how things should be done.  Now, do you expect others to do things your way? How...

Good morning, Do you get disappointed with yourself when you fail to meet your own high expectations and standards? The next time you fail to meet your own expectations, remove the bruise of disappointment with the balm of hope.  Recognise that the road may be...