Good morning all, Before starting any task, first of all, sow the seed of a determined thought. Especially if you have self-doubts or feel that the task is too difficult for you, think: 'I can do it.'  'I am capable.'  'Anything is possible...

Good morning all, If you find it difficult to have effortless attention for long periods of time, you need to build up your focus endurance, just as athletes push past their point of exhaustion. Gradually expand your attention span by working for slightly...

Good morning all, Like a caterpillar crawling from leaf to leaf, we get too comfortable with the routine of our lives.  We forget that we were born to be a butterfly. All we need to do is let go of our comfort zones,...

Good morning all, There's no use crying over spilled milk right?  But if you don't recognise the importance of the spilled milk, you'll just make the same mistake again. Leverage the regret to your advantage, by learning from the experience.  Then harness the...

Good Morning all, I am a great believer in people and this is what makes me UNIQUE...

Good morning all, We've learnt, received & accomplished so much in our life.  Yet sometimes we forget. Like buried treasure, it's still all there, hidden away inside our memory bank. When we reach into our treasure chest of memories, we can recover...

Good morning , How often do you reply to "How are you?" with "Busy, very busy"? If being busy is taking over your life, stop!  Be productive and effective without being 'too' busy. Avoid taking on too much by learning to say...

Good afternoon , When it's too hot, we complain, too wet, we complain, too cold, we complain, too windy, we complain. The next time you catch yourself complaining about the weather, stop.  Remind yourself to enjoy the change.  Appreciate the gradations within the...

Good morning all, Do you have the habit of rehashing decisions already made? If the decision is not working out for you and you're not happy, then see if changing your decision is an option.  If it is, then change it.  ...