Good morning all, In meetings or in conversations, in emails or other written communications, we often use 100 words when 10 would suffice. Too many words can dilute the message and result in confusion and non-productivity. There is a time and place...

Good morning all, The voice of our conscience is not to induce fear or guilt, but for positive guidance. Our conscience is our moral compass that guides us to shift in a positive direction when we've done something wrong. Why not take...

Good morning all, If you're not able to articulate your emotions, then instead of repressing or suppressing your emotions, try expressing yourself creatively. No artistic talent is needed.  Simply give shape, size & colour to your emotions.  Paint, draw or make a collage,...

Good afternoon all, Turn "me" upside down, and you go from 'What's in it for me?' to embracing a broader perspective of "we." When you focus less on 'me', and more on 'we', you're able to collaborate and engage with others to accomplish...

Good morning all, Do you have a wise saying?  Your unique perspective on life that you can share with the world? Today, make time to compose your own wise saying. Reflect on the greater significance of incidents and events in your life...

Good morning all, If you're worrying about something, address the worry, there's obviously something that needs your attention.  Worrying serves no purpose unless it spurs you to move into action. Ask yourself, if what you're worrying about were to happen: How bad would...

Good morning all, Traffic jams make us all a little bit annoyed and even angry, but getting stressed doesn't make the traffic go any faster! The next time you find yourself stuck in a traffic jam, accept the fact that traffic jams happen. ...

Good morning all, A goal without a plan is just a goal. Take your goal and break it down, step by step.  Give yourself a time line for each step.  Make it specific, detailed and realistic. Create a plan that excites you,...

Good Morning all, The peace dove doesn't convey the message through words or actions; otherwise the olive branch that it carries would fall from its beak. The peace dove uses its wings to fly high above the Earth.  From this vantage point, boundaries...

Good Morning all, To-Do lists are important.  But often what we have to do overweighs what we have done. Why not make it more rewarding by keeping a "have-done" list.  A "have-done" list gives you a chance to acknowledge & appreciate your...